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Playing the PR ace card for workplace technology firms

By Pat Southwell:

The workplace technology market is huge. In fact, it’s worth nearly £25 billion globally according to some estimates, and includes anything that helps people in their jobs. It could be a printer or projector. Or a room booking system. Even automation software that helps with routine tasks.


Because there are so many diverse types of workplace technology all vying for position in huge sector, it can be hard for businesses to stand out from the crowd in their PR. Especially when some of the technologies on offer seem so every-day. We’re often surrounded by them in our working lives, making it hard to find something new to say.


Which is exactly why we’ve created a new whitepaper to help companies struggling to cut through the noise get the attention they deserve. It’s called The PR ace card for workplace technology firms. It’s full of advice, examples and aims to bust a few myths along the way.

A photo of the Ace of Hearts

What is the ace card?

Put simply, unlike other technology vendors, those creating workplace solutions have entire workforces to make their point for them.


This offers an instantly understandable way to tell a story about why it’s worth investing in new solutions. For example, imagine you’re a company that creates or implements collaboration software like Teams. Your key message might be that this software brings people together like never before – as if they’re in the room.


To get this message across, you could survey hybrid workers to understand the impact of not having this technology. That’s exactly what we did for one client, discovering employees often suffer from loneliness and isolation, which can be solved with better collaboration tools. It got great coverage (including nationals), while arming the marketing team with a report that delivered leads.


If coupled with other stories, such as case studies of workers who have experienced the downside of hybrid working, or examples of businesses that have solved the challenge of isolation, workplace technology firms can build a compelling set of assets that explain the value they offer.


Have a read, and if you’d like to speak to us about how we can help, get in touch via We’d love to help you play a PR ace card.

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